Mission Alive

Mission Alive: Week 10 (May 18)

Audio for this week's class can be found by following this link.
Class handout

Discussion Questions
What qualities do we see in the leaders in Acts (Acts 20)
i. How do they walk with God?
ii. How do they believe in shared ministry?
iii. How do they inspire others?
iv. How do they pray?
v. How are they marked by humility?
vi. How are they enablers?
vii. How do they care about people?
viii. How are they examples?
ix. How are they rooted in grace?
x. How do they make Scripture their guide?
xi. How do they teach?
xii. Can they face unpopularity?
xiii. How do they endure hard times?
xiv. How do they receive from others?
xv. How are they open to the Holy Spirit?


“Do you know who gives me the most trouble? Do you know who I pray for the most in my pastoral ministry? Just myself.” (A.W. Tozer)

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